
Refund & Return Policy

You can return any unused and unopened products within 7 days of receiving your package for a full refund. Email longdan@longdan.co.uk for any refund or return enquiries. Return all items to

Longdan Ltd
4 Estate Way
E10 7JN

Damaged or expired items

If an item is damaged or faulty please email longdan@longdan.co.uk with an image of the defect. If an item is passed the expiry date then send an image of the best before date. Upon receipt of the evidence Longdan can organise a return/refund or a replacement. You may be asked to send back the items and Longdan will cover the shipping cost.

Incorrect items

If you have received incorrect products please contact us immediately so we can send the correct item or arrange a refund. We may ask you to send the incorrect item back and Longdan will cover the shipping cost.

In store refunds

Items purchased online cannot be returned or refunded in store. Customer that have received and exchange email are able to collect items in store.