Ingredients List: Noodles: Wheat Flour, Refined Palm Oil, Starch, Acetate Starch, Salt, Gluten, Sodium Carbonate, Potassium Carbonate, Thickening Agents (Isolated Soy Protein, Xanthan Gum, Sodium Alglnate, Corn Starch, Konjac Flour, Whole Wheat Flour), Sodium Carboxymethylcallulose, Sodium Carboxymethylcallulose, Sodium Phosphate, Sodium Phosphate Phosphate, Sodium Phosphometaphosphate, Sodium Phosphate Phosphate, Sodium Phosphate Phosphate, Sodium Phosphometaphosphate, Sodium Phosphate Phosphate, Sodium Phosphate Phosphate, Sodium Phosphometaphosphate, Sodium Phosphate ‘-Flavored Nucleotide Disodium, Food Color, Vitamin E. Soup Sack Bags: Spice Made From Pork Bone Broth, Water, Seasoning Sauce, Made From Pork Bone Compound, Rapeseed Oil, Salt, Red Onion, Pork Bone Oil, Fish Seasoning Sauce, Shrimp Seasoning Sauce, Chicken Bone Broth Soup Compound Seasoning, Yeast Extract, Monosodium Glutamate Scallop Spice Powder: Sesame Oil, 5’-Taste Nucleatide Disodium, Sugar, Starch, Sodium Octenyl Succinate, Hunner Connection Spice Sauce, Malt Paste Essence, Food Enhancer, Economy, Sodium Succinate, Scallop Spice, Rib Compound Spice, Chilli Oil, Refined Palm Oil
Allergy Advice: Not suitable for Gluten, Soybean, Sesame, Fish, Crustaceans allergy sufferers.
Feature: None.
Origin: China.
Storage: Keep in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Storage Type: Ambient.
Instructions for Use: Boil 500 ml water, add the contents of the package and cook for 3 minutes. Stir and relish!