JETRO and JRE Visit Longdan: Promoting Japan's Finest in the UK

Introduction: Longdan x JETRO and JRE
Longdan welcomed representatives from the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) and the Japan Rice and Rice Industry Export Promotion Association (JRE) for a groundbreaking event.
This collaboration emphasized Longdan's pivotal role in introducing authentic Japanese products to the UK market. By partnering with JETRO and JRE, Longdan continues to strengthen its ties with Japan, promoting innovation and excellence while connecting UK consumers with the finest Japanese goods. This event reflects Longdan's ongoing dedication to becoming the top destination for Japanese culture and products in the UK.
Welcoming JETRO and JRE to Longdan Staines: A Warm Greeting in the UK
Longdan Staines proudly welcomed distinguished guests to its vibrant store, offering an immersive experience that highlighted the essence of cultural exchange. The event was further enriched by the presence of the Longdan Group’s board of directors, underscoring the company’s commitment to strengthening global partnerships.
The attendance of JETRO and JRE representatives added immense value to the event, facilitating insightful discussions on shared objectives and strategies to enhance the recognition and reach of Japanese rice and related products in the UK market. Highlighted brands such as Shinmei, Kitoku Shinryo, Toyo Rice, Iris Oyama, Namisato, The Rice Entertainment, and Kobayashi Seimen exemplify the dedication to delivering premium Japanese quality to a broader audience.
JETROおよびJREの代表者のご参加は、このイベントに大きな価値をもたらしました。日本産米や関連製品の英国市場での認知度と普及を向上させるための共通の目標と戦略について、建設的な議論を促進しました。**神明、北陸新良、東洋ライス、アイリスオーヤマ、波里、The Rice Entertainment、そして小林製麺 **といった注目のブランドは、最高品質の日本製品をより幅広い層に届けるための取り組みを象徴しています。

Highlights of the Day
The event offered a series of engaging activities and discussions
- Exclusive Store Tour: The Chairman of Longdan personally guided the distinguished delegation from JETRO and JRE on an exclusive tour of the store. During the visit, Longdan's Chairman showcased an extensive selection of high-quality products, with a special emphasis on premium Japanese goods, reflecting the company's commitment to excellence and cultural exchange.
Glasgow Asian Village: Longdan proudly introduced the ambitious Glasgow Asian Village project, a transformative development set to become a premier destination for Asian goods and services in Scotland. Located in the heart of the Forge Retail Park, the Glasgow Asian Village will cover an impressive 131,300 sq. ft., featuring a vibrant mix of retail spaces, a dynamic food court, specialty dining, and event halls designed to offer an immersive cultural experience.
This groundbreaking project aims to create over 300 jobs, catering to Glasgow’s diverse community and attracting visitors from across the UK. With its prime location near Duke Street Station and iconic venues like the Emirates Arena, the Glasgow Asian Village embodies Longdan’s commitment to cultural exchange and economic growth, further cementing its reputation as a leader in bringing Asian culture closer to UK audiences.
- 限定店舗ツアー: ロンガンダンの会長は、JETROおよびJREの名誉ある代表団を店舗の特別ツアーに直接ご案内しました。訪問中、会長は幅広い高品質な製品を紹介し、特にプレミアムな日本製品に焦点を当てました。これは、卓越性と文化交流に対する同社のコミットメントを反映したものです。
グラスゴーアジアンビレッジ: ロンガンダンは、スコットランドにおけるアジア商品とサービスの主要な目的地となる野心的な「グラスゴーアジアンビレッジ」プロジェクトを誇らしげに紹介しました。この革新的な開発は、Forge Retail Parkの中心に位置し、131,300平方フィートもの広大な敷地をカバーします。ここには、多様な小売スペース、活気あるフードコート、特別な飲食施設、そして文化体験を提供するために設計されたイベントホールが含まれています。
この画期的なプロジェクトは、グラスゴーの多様なコミュニティに対応し、英国全土から訪問者を惹きつけるとともに、300以上の雇用を創出することを目指しています。Duke Street StationやEmirates Arenaなどの象徴的な施設に近い優れた立地を持つグラスゴーアジアンビレッジは、文化交流と経済成長に対するロンガンダンのコミットメントを体現しており、アジア文化を英国の観客にさらに近づけるリーダーとしての評判をさらに確固たるものにしています。
The Power of Collaboration
This event symbolized the strength of partnerships between Longdan Group and our esteemed Japanese counterparts. By working closely with organizations like JETRO and JRE, Longdan aims to create pathways for growth, innovation, and mutual success.
The conversations and connections made at Longdan reaffirmed our shared vision of bringing premium Japanese products to a broader audience.
The visit of JETRO and JRE to Longdan Staines was a memorable and inspiring event, reflecting the shared commitment to excellence, collaboration, and cultural appreciation.
Looking ahead, Longdan aims to strengthen these partnerships and create new opportunities to showcase the finest Japanese products to the world. Thank you to everyone who made this day a success—your enthusiasm and support drive our mission to connect cultures and communities through exceptional products.
Stay tuned for more exciting collaborations and events from Longdan as we continue to bridge the gap between tradition and innovation in the global marketplace.
Authors: An Nguyen, Linh Mai.